Distance between elmira new york to ohio
The distance between Elmira, New York and Ohio depends on the specific location in Ohio you are referring to. Here are the approximate distances from Elmira, NY to some major cities in Ohio:
- Cleveland, OH: 240 miles (386 km), approximately 4 hours 15 minutes by car
- Columbus, OH: 270 miles (435 km), approximately 4 hours 30 minutes by car
- Cincinnati, OH: 340 miles (544 km), approximately 5 hours 30 minutes by car
- Toledo, OH: 220 miles (354 km), approximately 3 hours 45 minutes by car
- Akron, OH: 230 miles (370 km), approximately 4 hours by car
If you're looking for the distance between Elmira, NY and a specific city in Ohio, please let me know and I can provide you with the exact distance and estimated drive time.