Distance between cortland new york and new york city
The distance between Cortland, New York and New York City, New York is approximately:
- 210 miles (338 kilometers) by car, depending on traffic and the route you take.
- 3-4 hours by car, depending on traffic and the route you take.
- 2.5-3 hours by bus, depending on the bus company and route.
- 1.5-2 hours by train, depending on the train schedule and route.
Here are the estimated driving directions from Cortland to New York City:
- From Cortland, take NY-13 South towards I-81 South
- Merge onto I-81 South towards Binghamton
- Continue on I-81 South for approximately 100 miles
- Take exit 15 for I-87 South towards New York City
- Continue on I-87 South for approximately 70 miles
- Take exit 16 for I-95 South towards New York City
- Continue on I-95 South for approximately 20 miles
- Take exit 14 for the George Washington Bridge
- Cross the George Washington Bridge into New York City
- Take the exit for I-95 South towards New York City
- Continue on I-95 South for approximately 10 miles
- Take exit 14 for the Holland Tunnel
- Cross the Holland Tunnel into Manhattan
Please note that these directions are approximate and may vary depending on your specific starting and ending points. It's always a good idea to check for traffic updates and road closures before embarking on your journey.