Distance abidjan new york
The distance between Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) and New York City, USA is approximately:
- 5,744 miles (9,253 kilometers) by air
- 6,444 miles (10,381 kilometers) by sea
Here are the flight details:
- Flight duration: around 10 hours and 30 minutes
- Airlines: Several airlines operate direct or connecting flights from Abidjan to New York, including Air France, Delta, and United Airlines.
Here are the sea route details:
- Distance by sea: around 6,444 miles (10,381 kilometers)
- Journey duration: around 14-16 days, depending on the type of vessel and route taken
- Shipping lines: Several shipping lines operate cargo and passenger services between Abidjan and New York, including Maersk Line, CMA CGM, and Evergreen Line.
Please note that these distances and times are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route taken and any layovers or connections.