Disqus change new replies settings

Disqus is a popular commenting system used on many websites and blogs. If you're looking to change the settings for new replies on Disqus, here are the steps:

Method 1: Using the Disqus Dashboard

  1. Log in to your Disqus account and go to the Dashboard.
  2. Click on the Settings icon (represented by a gear icon) next to the website you want to manage.
  3. Click on Moderation from the dropdown menu.
  4. Scroll down to the New Replies section.
  5. Here, you can adjust the following settings:
    • Notify me of new replies: Choose whether you want to receive notifications for new replies.
    • Show new replies in the thread: Decide whether new replies should be displayed in the thread or not.
    • Hide new replies from the main page: Choose whether new replies should be hidden from the main page or not.
  6. Click Save Changes to apply the new settings.

Method 2: Using the Disqus Comment Settings

  1. Go to the website where you want to change the new replies settings.
  2. Find a comment thread and click on the Comment Settings icon (represented by a gear icon) next to the comment.
  3. Click on New Replies from the dropdown menu.
  4. Adjust the settings as desired:
    • Notify me of new replies: Choose whether you want to receive notifications for new replies.
    • Show new replies in the thread: Decide whether new replies should be displayed in the thread or not.
    • Hide new replies from the main page: Choose whether new replies should be hidden from the main page or not.
  5. Click Save Changes to apply the new settings.

By following these steps, you should be able to change the settings for new replies on Disqus. If you have any further questions or need help with a specific setting, feel free to ask!