Display wordpress shortcode as a new value plugin

A clever idea!

To display a WordPress shortcode as a new value plugin, you'll need to create a custom plugin that uses the shortcode function to render the shortcode and then returns the output as a new value.

Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

Create a new plugin file

Create a new file in the wp-content/plugins directory, e.g., shortcode-value-plugin.php.

Plugin code

Add the following code to the plugin file:

Plugin Name: Shortcode Value Plugin
Description: Displays a WordPress shortcode as a new value

function shortcode_value_plugin($atts) {
  // Define the shortcode to render
  $shortcode = '[your_shortcode_here]';

  // Render the shortcode
  $output = ob_get_clean();

  // Return the output as a new value
  return $output;
add_shortcode('shortcode_value_plugin', 'shortcode_value_plugin');

Replace [your_shortcode_here] with the actual shortcode you want to render.

How it works

  1. The plugin defines a new shortcode shortcode_value_plugin using the add_shortcode function.
  2. When the shortcode is called, the shortcode_value_plugin function is executed.
  3. The function renders the shortcode using the do_shortcode function, which executes the shortcode and returns the output.
  4. The output is captured using ob_start and ob_get_clean, which allow us to capture the output of the shortcode.
  5. The captured output is returned as a new value.


To use this plugin, simply add the shortcode shortcode_value_plugin to your WordPress page or post, like this:


The plugin will render the shortcode and display the output as a new value.

Note that this plugin is just an example, and you'll need to modify it to suit your specific use case. Additionally, you may need to add additional functionality, such as handling attributes or filtering the output.