Display category in menu prestashop for new theme

To display categories in the menu for a new theme in PrestaShop, you'll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new theme

If you haven't already, create a new theme in PrestaShop by going to Modules > Themes > Add a new theme. Fill in the required information, such as theme name, description, and author.

Step 2: Create a new menu

In your new theme, go to Modules > Themes > [Your Theme Name] > Menu. Click on the "Add a new menu" button.

Step 3: Configure the menu

In the "Menu" page, you'll see a list of available menu items. Click on the "Add a new menu item" button.

Step 4: Add a category menu item

In the "Add a new menu item" page, select "Category" as the menu item type. Choose the category you want to display in the menu from the dropdown list.

Step 5: Configure the category menu item

In the "Category" menu item settings, you can configure the following options:

Step 6: Save the menu item

Click the "Save" button to save the category menu item.

Step 7: Configure the theme's menu

In your theme's config.xml file, add the following code to configure the menu:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This code adds a menu item called "Categories" with a link to the category page and positions it at the top of the menu.

Step 8: Clear the cache

Finally, clear the cache by going to Modules > Cache > Clear cache to ensure that your changes take effect.

That's it! Your categories should now be displayed in the menu for your new theme in PrestaShop.