Discussing my proposal contract with new manager

Congratulations on your new manager! Discussing your proposal contract with them is an important step in ensuring a smooth transition and setting clear expectations. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the conversation:

Before the meeting:

  1. Review your proposal contract: Go through your contract and highlight any key points, such as scope of work, timelines, deliverables, payment terms, and termination clauses.
  2. Identify areas of concern: Think about any areas where you may need clarification or changes to the contract. This could be due to changes in your role, new requirements, or unexpected challenges.
  3. Prepare questions: Write down any questions you have about the contract, such as what the manager's expectations are, how they plan to support you, or what the priorities are.

During the meeting:

  1. Start with a positive tone: Begin the conversation by expressing your enthusiasm for working with the new manager and your commitment to delivering high-quality results.
  2. Review the contract: Go through your contract and highlight the key points you've identified. Ask the manager to review and confirm their understanding of the contract.
  3. Discuss areas of concern: Bring up any areas where you need clarification or changes to the contract. Be specific and provide examples or data to support your requests.
  4. Seek feedback and guidance: Ask the manager for their feedback on your performance and any areas where they think you can improve. Seek guidance on how they plan to support you and what their expectations are.
  5. Set clear goals and priorities: Work with the manager to set clear goals and priorities for your work. This will help you stay focused and ensure you're delivering what's expected.

Example conversation:

You: "Hi [Manager], I'm excited to be working with you and I'm looking forward to discussing my proposal contract. Can you review the contract with me and confirm your understanding of the scope of work and timelines?"

Manager: "Of course. I've reviewed the contract and I'm comfortable with the scope of work and timelines. However, I do have some concerns about the deliverables. Can you walk me through how you plan to meet the requirements?"

You: "Absolutely. I've outlined the approach I'll take in the contract, and I'm happy to provide more details. I also wanted to discuss the payment terms. Are there any changes you'd like to make to the payment schedule?"

Manager: "Actually, yes. We're looking to accelerate the payment schedule to ensure we're getting the results we need. Can you work with our finance team to adjust the payment terms?"

You: "I can definitely do that. What are the priorities for this project, and how can I best support you?"

Manager: "Our top priority is to deliver high-quality results within the timelines. Can you provide me with regular updates on your progress and let me know if you encounter any issues?"

After the meeting:

  1. Summarize the discussion: Send a summary of the discussion to the manager, including any agreements or action items.
  2. Follow up on action items: Ensure you follow up on any action items or requests made during the meeting.
  3. Review and update the contract: Review the contract and update it as necessary to reflect any changes or agreements made during the meeting.

By following these tips, you'll be well-prepared to discuss your proposal contract with your new manager and set yourself up for success in your new role.