Discos no subsidy from fg since privatisation

A very specific and interesting topic!

Yes, it's true that the Federal Government of Nigeria (FG) has not been providing subsidies to the DisCos (Distribution Companies) since their privatisation in 2013.

Prior to privatisation, the FG used to provide subsidies to the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), which was the sole electricity provider in the country. However, with the privatisation of the power sector, the FG decided to phase out the subsidies and allow the private sector to operate the DisCos.

The privatisation process was aimed at increasing efficiency, reducing losses, and improving the overall performance of the power sector. The FG believed that by removing the subsidies, the DisCos would be incentivised to reduce their costs, improve their services, and increase their revenue.

However, the removal of subsidies has had some negative impacts on the power sector. For example, electricity tariffs have increased significantly, making it difficult for many consumers to afford electricity. This has led to widespread complaints and protests from consumers, who feel that the DisCos are not providing adequate services in exchange for the increased tariffs.

Despite these challenges, the FG has maintained that the removal of subsidies is necessary to ensure the sustainability of the power sector. The government has also implemented various initiatives to improve the sector, such as the National Mass Metering Programme, which aims to provide meters to all electricity consumers in the country.

Overall, the removal of subsidies from the DisCos has been a significant change in the power sector, and it remains to be seen how the sector will evolve in the coming years.