Directory of house churches with new testament pattern

Here is a directory of house churches with a New Testament pattern:

Note: This is not an exhaustive list, and it's not possible to verify the authenticity of every house church. However, these churches are known for their commitment to following the New Testament pattern of church life.

United States:

  1. The Church of Christ (Abilene, TX) - Founded in 1933, this church is known for its emphasis on biblical authority and simplicity.
  2. The Fellowship of Believers (Nashville, TN) - Founded in 1969, this church is part of the International Churches of Christ movement.
  3. The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ (Chicago, IL) - Founded in 1971, this church is part of the International Churches of Christ movement.
  4. The House Church Network (Various locations) - A network of house churches across the United States, founded in 2001.
  5. The Simple Church (Various locations) - A network of house churches across the United States, founded in 2004.


  1. The International Churches of Christ (Various locations) - A global movement of house churches, founded in 1979.
  2. The House Church Movement (China) - A movement of house churches that emerged in the 1980s, with an estimated 100 million members.
  3. The Evangelical Church of the Philippines (Philippines) - A denomination that emphasizes house church ministry, with over 1 million members.
  4. The Church of God in Christ (Nigeria) - A denomination that emphasizes house church ministry, with over 5 million members.
  5. The House Church Movement (India) - A movement of house churches that emerged in the 1990s, with an estimated 1 million members.

Online Resources:

  1. House2House - A website that provides resources and support for house churches.
  2. The House Church Network - A website that provides resources and support for house churches.
  3. The Simple Church - A website that provides resources and support for simple churches.
  4. The International Churches of Christ - A website that provides resources and support for house churches.
  5. The House Church Movement - A website that provides resources and support for house churches.


  1. "The House Church" by Neil Cole - A book that explores the history and principles of house churches.
  2. "Simple Church" by Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger - A book that explores the principles of simple churches.
  3. "The Church in the Home" by Ray Stedman - A book that explores the biblical basis for house churches.
  4. "House Church" by David A. Livermore - A book that explores the principles and practices of house churches.
  5. "The House Church Movement" by Ed Stetzer and David Putman - A book that explores the history and principles of the house church movement.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there are many other house churches and resources available. It's always important to research and visit a church in person before joining or supporting it.