Director news ai macias kjzz

It seems like you're looking for information on Director Macias, who is a news anchor at KJZZ, a public radio station in Arizona. Here's what I found:

About Director Macias

Director Macias is a news anchor and reporter at KJZZ, a public radio station based in Phoenix, Arizona. He has been working at KJZZ since 2017 and has covered a wide range of topics, including politics, education, and social issues.

Awards and Recognition

Director Macias has received several awards for his reporting, including a regional Edward R. Murrow Award for his coverage of the 2020 Arizona primary elections. He has also been recognized by the Arizona Press Club for his investigative reporting on issues such as education funding and police accountability.

Reporting Style

Director Macias is known for his in-depth reporting style, which focuses on telling the stories of ordinary people affected by complex issues. He has a strong background in investigative reporting and has a knack for uncovering important information that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Social Media

You can follow Director Macias on social media to stay up-to-date on his latest reporting and stories. He is active on Twitter, where he shares his thoughts on current events and breaking news stories.


KJZZ is a public radio station based in Phoenix, Arizona, that serves the Phoenix metropolitan area and surrounding communities. The station is known for its in-depth reporting on local and national issues, as well as its commitment to covering underreported stories and issues.

I hope this information helps!