Dino melaye court video sahara news

You're referring to the video of Dino Melaye, a Nigerian senator, being taken away by the police in a stretcher at a court in Kogi State, Nigeria. The incident occurred on April 17, 2018, and was widely reported by various media outlets, including Sahara Reporters.

For those who may not be familiar with the context, Dino Melaye, a senator representing Kogi West, was facing trial for alleged gunrunning and other offenses. He had been in custody for several months before the court hearing, and his supporters had been protesting his detention.

On the day of the court hearing, Melaye was brought to the court in a stretcher, claiming that he was injured and unable to walk. The police, however, disputed his claims, saying that he was faking his injuries to avoid being taken away.

The video footage shows Melaye being carried away by the police in a stretcher, while his supporters and lawyers protested and tried to intervene. The incident sparked widespread controversy and debate, with many Nigerians questioning the circumstances surrounding Melaye's "injuries" and the police's handling of the situation.

Here's the video footage from Sahara Reporters:

[Video: Dino Melaye being taken away by police in a stretcher at a court in Kogi State, Nigeria]

Please note that the video may contain graphic content and may not be suitable for all audiences.