Dino melaye arrest news

You're referring to the recent news about Dino Melaye, a Nigerian senator, being arrested.

Here's a summary of the news:

Breaking News: Dino Melaye, a Nigerian senator representing Kogi West, has been arrested by the Nigeria Police Force.

Reason for Arrest: Melaye was arrested on April 24, 2019, on allegations of attempted murder and kidnapping. The police claimed that he was involved in a shootout with them on April 15, 2019, and that he had been on the run since then.

Arrest Location: Melaye was arrested at his residence in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria.

Police Statement: The police stated that Melaye was arrested following a tip-off that he was hiding in his residence. They claimed that he was found with a gun and that he had attempted to escape through the window.

Melaye's Response: Melaye has denied the allegations, claiming that he was framed by the police and that the arrest was a political witch-hunt.

Reactions: The arrest has sparked controversy, with many Nigerians taking to social media to express their opinions. Some have called for Melaye's release, while others have supported the police action.

Current Status: Melaye is currently being held at the police headquarters in Abuja, pending further investigation and possible charges.

Please note that this is a developing story, and more information may become available as the situation unfolds.