Dineo ranaka has no desire to get married again says shes happy alone

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or interview where Dineo Ranaka, a South African media personality, has expressed her views on marriage. According to the article, Dineo Ranaka has stated that she has no desire to get married again and is happy being single.

It's not uncommon for people to re-evaluate their priorities and goals as they grow older, and it seems like Dineo Ranaka has come to a place where she's content with her current situation. Being happy and fulfilled in one's personal life is a great achievement, and it's wonderful that she's found a sense of peace and contentment.

It's also important to note that marriage is a personal choice, and what works for one person may not work for another. Dineo Ranaka's decision to not get married again is hers alone, and it's not for anyone else to judge or criticize.

It's always interesting to hear about people's personal experiences and perspectives, and I'm sure many people can relate to Dineo Ranaka's sentiments. Do you have any personal thoughts or experiences related to marriage or relationships that you'd like to share?