Digital tutors new zbrush 4r7 tutorials

Digital Tutors has a comprehensive series of tutorials on ZBrush 4R7, covering a wide range of topics and techniques. Here are some of the tutorials they offer:

Getting Started with ZBrush 4R7

  1. Introduction to ZBrush 4R7: This tutorial covers the basics of ZBrush, including the interface, navigation, and basic tools.
  2. Setting Up Your Workspace: Learn how to customize your ZBrush workspace, including setting up your brushes, palettes, and preferences.

Modeling and Sculpting

  1. Basic Modeling Techniques: This tutorial covers the basics of modeling in ZBrush, including creating simple shapes, extrusions, and boolean operations.
  2. Advanced Modeling Techniques: Take your modeling skills to the next level with this tutorial, which covers more advanced techniques such as sculpting, poly-painting, and dynamic topology.
  3. Sculpting with ZBrush: Learn the basics of sculpting in ZBrush, including using the brush engine, sculpting with different brushes, and refining your model.

Texturing and Painting

  1. Introduction to Texturing: This tutorial covers the basics of texturing in ZBrush, including creating and applying textures, and using the texture engine.
  2. Advanced Texturing Techniques: Take your texturing skills to the next level with this tutorial, which covers more advanced techniques such as normal mapping, displacement mapping, and ambient occlusion.
  3. Painting with ZBrush: Learn how to paint and color your models using ZBrush's painting tools, including the brush engine, color picker, and layering.

Rigging and Animation

  1. Introduction to Rigging: This tutorial covers the basics of rigging in ZBrush, including creating and setting up skeletons, and using the rigging tools.
  2. Advanced Rigging Techniques: Take your rigging skills to the next level with this tutorial, which covers more advanced techniques such as skinning, weighting, and animating.

Other Tutorials

  1. ZBrush 4R7: Advanced Techniques: This tutorial covers more advanced techniques in ZBrush, including using the SubTool Editor, creating and using custom brushes, and using ZBrush with other software.
  2. ZBrush 4R7: Tips and Tricks: This tutorial covers some of the lesser-known features and techniques in ZBrush, including using the Undo and Redo functions, and creating custom shortcuts.

These tutorials are designed to help you get the most out of ZBrush 4R7, and cover a wide range of topics and techniques. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, there's something for everyone in this series.