Digital platforms like ogelle will create jobs for african youths obasanjo

A quote from former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo!

Indeed, digital platforms like Ogelle, which is a Nigerian-based online platform that connects African creators with global audiences, have the potential to create jobs for African youths. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Job creation in the creative industry: Ogelle and similar platforms can create job opportunities in the creative industry, such as content creation, writing, photography, videography, and design. These jobs can be done remotely, making it easier for young Africans to work from anywhere.
  2. Entrepreneurship opportunities: Digital platforms like Ogelle can empower young Africans to become entrepreneurs, creating their own businesses and generating income. This can be especially beneficial for those who may not have access to traditional employment opportunities.
  3. Skills development: Working on digital platforms like Ogelle can help young Africans develop valuable skills, such as digital marketing, content creation, and online business management. These skills are in high demand globally and can increase their employability.
  4. Access to global markets: Digital platforms like Ogelle can connect African creators with global audiences, providing them with access to new markets and customers. This can lead to increased income and job opportunities.
  5. Reduced unemployment: By creating jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities, digital platforms like Ogelle can help reduce unemployment rates among African youths, which is a significant challenge in many African countries.

Overall, digital platforms like Ogelle have the potential to create jobs, stimulate entrepreneurship, and promote economic growth in Africa. As President Obasanjo said, they can be a game-changer for African youths and contribute to the continent's development.