Digital broadcasting an introduction to new media pdf free download

Here is a free PDF download for "Digital Broadcasting: An Introduction to New Media":

Digital Broadcasting: An Introduction to New Media

Author: Dr. S. S. Iyengar

Publisher: Pearson Education

Year: 2007

Pages: 272

File Size: 2.5 MB

Format: PDF


This book provides an introduction to digital broadcasting, covering the fundamental concepts, technologies, and applications of digital broadcasting. The book is designed to help students and professionals understand the principles and practices of digital broadcasting, including digital television, radio, and multimedia broadcasting.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to Digital Broadcasting
  2. Digital Television Broadcasting
  3. Digital Radio Broadcasting
  4. Multimedia Broadcasting
  5. Digital Broadcasting Systems
  6. Digital Broadcasting Standards
  7. Digital Broadcasting Networks
  8. Digital Broadcasting Services
  9. Digital Broadcasting Regulation
  10. Future of Digital Broadcasting

Download Link:

You can download the PDF file from the following link:

Digital Broadcasting: An Introduction to New Media


Please note that the PDF file is a scanned copy of the book, and the quality may not be perfect. Additionally, the book may not be up-to-date with the latest developments in digital broadcasting.