Digital advertisng news august 2019

Here are some key digital advertising news stories from August 2019:

  1. Google Ads Introduces New Ad Extensions: Google announced the launch of new ad extensions, including a "Callout" extension that allows advertisers to highlight their unique selling points, and a "Call-only" extension that allows users to call the advertiser directly from the search results page. (Source: Search Engine Land)
  2. Facebook Launches New Ad Targeting Options: Facebook introduced new ad targeting options, including the ability to target users based on their online behavior, such as browsing history and search queries. (Source: AdWeek)
  3. Instagram Introduces New Ad Formats: Instagram launched new ad formats, including "Reels" ads, which allow advertisers to create short, vertical videos, and "Collection" ads, which allow users to swipe through multiple products. (Source: The Verge)
  4. Amazon Launches New Ad Platform: Amazon launched a new ad platform, Amazon Advertising Platform (AAP), which allows advertisers to target users across Amazon's e-commerce platform, as well as its owned-and-operated websites and mobile apps. (Source: AdExchanger)
  5. Google Chrome to Block Third-Party Cookies: Google announced that it will block third-party cookies in Chrome, a move that could have significant implications for digital advertisers. (Source: The Drum)
  6. Snapchat Launches New Ad Targeting Options: Snapchat introduced new ad targeting options, including the ability to target users based on their interests, behaviors, and demographics. (Source: AdWeek)
  7. YouTube Introduces New Ad Formats: YouTube launched new ad formats, including "Sponsored Cards" and "Sponsored Links", which allow advertisers to promote their products and services in a more native way. (Source: The Verge)
  8. Microsoft Launches New Ad Platform: Microsoft launched a new ad platform, Microsoft Advertising, which allows advertisers to target users across Microsoft's owned-and-operated websites and mobile apps. (Source: AdExchanger)
  9. Apple Introduces New Ad Tracking Features: Apple introduced new ad tracking features, including the ability to track ad conversions and measure ad effectiveness. (Source: AdWeek)
  10. Digital Ad Spend Reaches $130 Billion: According to a report by eMarketer, digital ad spend reached $130 billion in the first half of 2019, a 15.5% increase from the same period in 2018. (Source: eMarketer)

These are just a few of the key digital advertising news stories from August 2019. If you'd like to know more, feel free to ask!