Digital advertising news august 2019

Here are some key digital advertising news stories from August 2019:

  1. Google's New Ad Policy: Google announced a new ad policy that prohibits ads from promoting or glorifying hate speech, discrimination, or violence. The policy update aims to improve the overall quality of ads on the platform. (Source: The Verge)
  2. Facebook's Ad Revenue Growth Slows: Facebook reported a slowdown in ad revenue growth, citing increased competition from other platforms and a decline in ad prices. The company's ad revenue growth rate slowed to 10% in Q2 2019, down from 26% in Q2 2018. (Source: CNBC)
  3. Instagram Introduces New Ad Features: Instagram launched several new ad features, including a "Branded Content" ad format that allows brands to partner with influencers to promote products, and a "Shopping" feature that allows users to purchase products directly from ads. (Source: Adweek)
  4. YouTube's Ad Revenue Share: YouTube announced that it would be changing its ad revenue share model, giving creators more control over how they earn money from their videos. The new model allows creators to earn up to 55% of ad revenue, up from 45%. (Source: The Verge)
  5. Amazon's Ad Business Booms: Amazon reported a significant increase in ad revenue, with its ad business growing 34% year-over-year in Q2 2019. The company's ad business is now worth over $10 billion annually. (Source: Bloomberg)
  6. Snapchat's Ad Revenue Growth: Snapchat reported a 17% increase in ad revenue in Q2 2019, driven by growth in its Snap Ads and Story Ads formats. The company's ad revenue reached $272 million in Q2 2019. (Source: Adweek)
  7. Google's Chrome Extension Ban: Google announced that it would be banning all Chrome extensions that collect user data without permission. The move aims to improve user privacy and security on the web. (Source: The Verge)
  8. Facebook's Libra Cryptocurrency: Facebook announced its plans to launch a new cryptocurrency called Libra, which will be backed by a reserve of assets and will allow users to make transactions on the platform. (Source: The New York Times)
  9. Twitter's Ad Revenue Growth: Twitter reported a 18% increase in ad revenue in Q2 2019, driven by growth in its video ad formats and increased demand from advertisers. The company's ad revenue reached $711 million in Q2 2019. (Source: Adweek)
  10. Apple's App Store Optimization: Apple announced changes to its App Store optimization algorithm, which will prioritize apps that provide a better user experience and are more relevant to users' search queries. The changes aim to improve the overall quality of apps in the App Store. (Source: Apple)

These are just a few of the key digital advertising news stories from August 2019. If you'd like to learn more, feel free to ask!