Different camps analyse ambodes two years in office

A great topic!

Ambode's two years in office have been a subject of intense debate and analysis among various camps. Here's a breakdown of the different perspectives:

Supporters of Ambode:

  1. Economic growth: Ambode's administration has been credited with promoting economic growth in Lagos State. He has implemented various initiatives to boost trade and commerce, such as the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund and the Lagos State Infrastructure Development Fund.
  2. Infrastructure development: Ambode has invested heavily in infrastructure development, including the construction of new roads, bridges, and public transportation systems. This has improved the overall quality of life for Lagosians.
  3. Security: Ambode has been praised for his efforts to improve security in the state. He has implemented various security measures, including the establishment of the Lagos State Security Trust Fund.

Critics of Ambode:

  1. Corruption allegations: Ambode has faced allegations of corruption, including the mismanagement of state funds and the award of contracts to cronies. These allegations have been investigated by various bodies, including the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).
  2. Lack of transparency: Critics have accused Ambode of lacking transparency in his administration, including the handling of state finances and the award of contracts.
  3. Inefficient governance: Some have criticized Ambode's administration for being inefficient and bureaucratic, leading to delays and inefficiencies in the delivery of public services.

Analysts and observers:

  1. Mixed performance: Many analysts have described Ambode's performance as mixed, with some achievements in areas like infrastructure development and economic growth, but also concerns about corruption and governance.
  2. Inconsistent policies: Some have criticized Ambode's administration for having inconsistent policies, which have led to confusion and inefficiencies in the implementation of projects.
  3. Lack of accountability: Analysts have highlighted the need for greater accountability in Ambode's administration, including the need for more transparency in the handling of state finances and the award of contracts.

The future:

As Ambode's tenure comes to an end, the debate about his performance will likely continue. The next governor of Lagos State will face the challenge of building on Ambode's achievements while addressing the concerns and criticisms of his administration.