Difference betwen feature story and news story

Feature stories and news stories are two types of articles that differ in their purpose, tone, and approach. Here are the main differences:

News Story:

  1. Timely and factual: News stories report on current events, breaking news, and timely issues. They aim to inform readers about what's happening now.
  2. Objective and neutral: News stories strive to be impartial, presenting facts without bias or emotional appeal.
  3. Brief and concise: News stories are typically shorter, focusing on the essential information and key points.
  4. Focus on the who, what, when, where, and why: News stories answer these basic questions to provide a clear understanding of the event or issue.
  5. May include quotes and statistics: News stories often include quotes from experts, officials, or individuals involved in the story, as well as statistics and data to support the reporting.

Feature Story:

  1. In-depth and analytical: Feature stories delve deeper into a topic, exploring its significance, impact, and human interest aspects.
  2. Subjective and interpretive: Feature stories often include the writer's perspective, analysis, and interpretation of the topic.
  3. Longer and more narrative: Feature stories can be longer, with a more narrative style, using storytelling techniques to engage readers.
  4. Focus on the how and why: Feature stories explore the underlying causes, consequences, and implications of an issue or event.
  5. May include personal anecdotes and profiles: Feature stories often include personal stories, profiles, and interviews to add depth and human interest to the reporting.

To illustrate the difference, consider the following examples:

In summary, news stories aim to inform readers about current events in a timely and factual manner, while feature stories delve deeper into a topic, providing analysis, interpretation, and human interest elements.