Difference between sharing on news feed and your story

When you share a post on Facebook, you have the option to share it on your News Feed or your Story. Here are the main differences between the two:

Sharing on News Feed:

  1. Permanent: Posts shared on your News Feed are permanent and remain visible on your timeline until you delete them.
  2. Public: By default, posts shared on your News Feed are public, meaning anyone can see them, including people who are not your friends.
  3. Reach a wider audience: News Feed posts can reach a wider audience, including people who are not your friends, as long as they have a mutual friend or have liked your page.
  4. Engagement: News Feed posts can generate more engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares, as they are more visible to a larger audience.

Sharing on Your Story:

  1. Temporary: Posts shared on your Story are temporary and disappear after 24 hours.
  2. Private: By default, posts shared on your Story are private, meaning only your friends can see them.
  3. Limited audience: Your Story is only visible to your friends, unless you choose to share it with a broader audience by using the "Share" feature.
  4. More casual: Your Story is a more casual way to share updates, behind-the-scenes content, or personal moments, as they are intended to be temporary and fleeting.

When to use each:

Remember, you can always adjust the privacy settings for both News Feed and Story posts to suit your needs.