Difference between press releases and news releases

While both "press release" and "news release" are often used interchangeably, there is a subtle difference between the two:

Press Release:

A press release is a formal statement issued by an organization or individual to inform the media and the public about a specific event, product, service, or achievement. The term "press" refers to the traditional print media, such as newspapers and magazines, which were the primary recipients of these releases. Press releases are typically written in a formal, objective tone and are designed to generate media coverage, rather than to persuade or promote a particular point of view.

News Release:

A news release, on the other hand, is a more general term that refers to any written statement issued to inform the public about a news-worthy event or development. News releases can be issued by anyone, not just organizations or individuals, and can be distributed through various channels, including social media, email, and online news platforms.

Key differences:

  1. Tone: Press releases tend to be more formal and objective, while news releases can be more conversational and promotional.
  2. Purpose: Press releases are designed to generate media coverage, while news releases may be intended to inform the public directly, rather than through traditional media outlets.
  3. Audience: Press releases are typically targeted at journalists and media professionals, while news releases may be intended for a broader audience, including the general public.
  4. Format: Press releases often follow a standard format, including a headline, summary, and detailed information, while news releases may be more flexible in terms of format and content.

In summary, while both terms are used to describe written statements issued to inform the public, "press release" tends to imply a more formal, objective tone and a focus on generating media coverage, while "news release" is a more general term that can encompass a wider range of purposes and formats.