Difference between press release and news release

While both "press release" and "news release" are often used interchangeably, there is a subtle difference between the two:

Press Release:

A press release is a formal statement issued by an organization or individual to share information with the media, typically with the intention of generating publicity or coverage in the press. The term "press" refers to the traditional print media, such as newspapers, magazines, and wire services. A press release is usually written in a formal, objective tone and is intended to provide factual information about a specific event, product, service, or achievement.

News Release:

A news release, on the other hand, is a more general term that refers to any written statement issued to share information with the public, including the media. This term is often used in the digital age, where news can be disseminated through various channels, including online news sites, social media, and blogs. A news release can be written in a more conversational tone and may include more opinion or analysis than a traditional press release.

Key differences:

  1. Tone: Press releases tend to be more formal and objective, while news releases can be more conversational and opinionated.
  2. Purpose: Press releases are often issued to generate publicity and coverage in the traditional press, while news releases may be used to share information with a broader audience, including online readers and social media followers.
  3. Format: Press releases typically follow a standard format, including a headline, dateline, and boilerplate, while news releases may have a more flexible format and include additional elements, such as images, videos, or links.
  4. Distribution: Press releases are often distributed through wire services, such as the Associated Press or Reuters, while news releases may be distributed through online news platforms, social media, or email newsletters.

In summary, while both terms are used to describe a written statement issued to share information, a press release is typically more formal and focused on generating publicity in the traditional press, while a news release is a more general term that can be used to share information with a broader audience through various channels.