Difference between news writing and feature writing pdf

Here is a PDF on the difference between news writing and feature writing:

Title: News Writing vs. Feature Writing: Understanding the Differences


As a writer, it's essential to understand the differences between news writing and feature writing. Both styles have their unique characteristics, purposes, and audiences. In this PDF, we'll explore the key differences between news writing and feature writing, helping you to develop your writing skills and produce high-quality content.

News Writing:

News writing is a style of writing that focuses on reporting current events, news, and information. The primary goal of news writing is to inform readers about what's happening in the world, often in a concise and objective manner. News writing typically follows a specific structure, including:

Characteristics of News Writing:

Feature Writing:

Feature writing, on the other hand, is a style of writing that focuses on telling a story or exploring a topic in-depth. The primary goal of feature writing is to engage readers and provide a more personal or human perspective on a subject. Feature writing often includes:

Characteristics of Feature Writing:

Key Differences:


In conclusion, news writing and feature writing are two distinct styles of writing that serve different purposes and audiences. Understanding the differences between these two styles can help you to develop your writing skills and produce high-quality content that engages and informs your readers.

Additional Resources:

I hope this PDF helps you understand the differences between news writing and feature writing!