Difference between google old and new logo

The iconic Google logo!

Google's logo has undergone several changes since its inception in 1998. Here's a brief overview of the differences between the old and new logos:

Old Logo (1998-2015)

The original Google logo was designed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the company's co-founders. The logo featured the letters "Google" in a custom-designed font, with the "o"s replaced by the colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple). The logo was meant to be playful, friendly, and approachable.

New Logo (2015-present)

In 2015, Google introduced a new logo, designed by the same team that created the original logo. The new logo is a simplified, sans-serif font, with the letters "Google" written in a single line. The colors are still the same, but the rainbow colors are now stacked vertically, rather than horizontally.

Here are some key differences between the old and new logos:

  1. Simplification: The new logo is more minimalist and streamlined, with fewer lines and a more modern look.
  2. Font change: The new logo uses a sans-serif font, whereas the old logo used a custom-designed font with serifs.
  3. Color arrangement: The colors are now stacked vertically, rather than horizontally, giving the logo a more dynamic and modern feel.
  4. Icon removal: The old logo featured a small icon of the company's name, which was removed in the new logo.
  5. Digital-first design: The new logo is designed specifically for digital use, with a focus on scalability and legibility across various devices and platforms.

Overall, the new Google logo is a more modern, streamlined, and digital-friendly design that reflects the company's evolution and growth over the years.