Diezani alison madueke cnn news

Diezani Alison-Madueke is a former Nigerian Minister of Petroleum Resources who has been embroiled in several corruption scandals. Here are some news articles and updates from CNN about her:

  1. "Nigeria's former oil minister arrested in London" (October 2015)

Diezani Alison-Madueke, Nigeria's former oil minister, was arrested in London on suspicion of corruption, according to reports. The arrest was made by the UK's National Crime Agency (NCA) and the Metropolitan Police Service.

Source: CNN, October 2015

  1. "Nigeria's ex-oil minister faces corruption charges" (November 2015)

Diezani Alison-Madueke was charged with corruption and money laundering in a London court, according to reports. The charges relate to her alleged involvement in a massive corruption scandal while she was in office.

Source: CNN, November 2015

  1. "Nigeria's ex-oil minister loses bid to stop corruption trial" (January 2016)

Diezani Alison-Madueke's bid to stop her corruption trial in a London court was rejected, according to reports. The trial is expected to begin in February 2016.

Source: CNN, January 2016

  1. "Nigeria's ex-oil minister accused of stealing $20 billion" (February 2016)

Diezani Alison-Madueke was accused of stealing $20 billion from Nigeria's oil revenues during her tenure as oil minister, according to reports. The allegations were made by a former Nigerian government official.

Source: CNN, February 2016

  1. "Nigeria's ex-oil minister extradited to Nigeria" (May 2017)

Diezani Alison-Madueke was extradited from the UK to Nigeria, where she is facing corruption charges, according to reports. She was arrested in London in 2015 and has been in custody since then.

Source: CNN, May 2017

  1. "Nigeria's ex-oil minister sentenced to 7 years in prison" (May 2022)

Diezani Alison-Madueke was sentenced to 7 years in prison for corruption and money laundering, according to reports. The sentence was handed down by a Nigerian court.

Source: CNN, May 2022