Dietric haddon new songs

Dietrich Haddon is a talented gospel singer and songwriter, and I'd be happy to help you with his new songs!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Dietrich Haddon has released several new songs in recent years. Here are a few of his latest tracks:

  1. "Reckless Love" (2020) - This song is a powerful worship anthem that showcases Dietrich's soulful vocals and heartfelt lyrics.
  2. "Not Lucky, I'm Loved" (2020) - This upbeat track is a celebration of God's love and redemption, with a catchy melody and inspiring lyrics.
  3. "Still Have Me" (2020) - This song is a beautiful ballad that showcases Dietrich's vocal range and emotional delivery, with a message of hope and perseverance.
  4. "Worth Fighting For" (2020) - This anthemic track is a call to action, encouraging listeners to stand up for their faith and fight for what's right.
  5. "Grateful" (2020) - This song is a heartfelt expression of gratitude to God, with a soaring chorus and uplifting lyrics.

Please note that these songs may not be his most recent releases, as new music is constantly being created and released. I recommend checking out Dietrich Haddon's official social media channels or music streaming platforms for his latest songs and updates!

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