Diego maradona advises lionel messi to retire from argentina

What an interesting and unexpected scenario!

Diego Maradona, the legendary Argentine footballer and coach, has been known for his outspoken and sometimes controversial opinions. While he has often praised Lionel Messi's incredible skills on the pitch, he has also been critical of Messi's decision to continue playing for the Argentine national team.

In this hypothetical scenario, Maradona is advising Messi to retire from international football, citing concerns about Messi's well-being and the team's overall performance. Here's a possible quote from Maradona:

"Lionel, my friend, I know you're still playing at an incredible level, but I think it's time for you to hang up your boots for Argentina. You've given everything to the national team, and it's time to prioritize your own health and happiness. You're not getting any younger, and the toll of international football is taking a toll on your body. Plus, the team needs a fresh start, and your departure would give us a chance to rebuild and find a new identity.

"I know it's hard to accept, but I think it's for the best. You've achieved everything there is to achieve with Argentina, and it's time to focus on your club career and personal life. You've earned the right to take a break and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Trust me, Lionel, you won't regret this decision."

Of course, this is purely fictional, and Messi has shown no signs of retiring from international football anytime soon. But it's an interesting thought experiment, and who knows, maybe Maradona's words of wisdom would resonate with Messi and lead to a new chapter in his career!