Diego costa sends hilarious retirement message to john terry

I think you may be mistaken! Diego Costa is still an active professional footballer, and John Terry is a former player who retired in 2018. However, I can try to create a humorous retirement message from Diego Costa to John Terry, just for the sake of creativity!

Here's a possible message:

"Hey JT, I heard you're hanging up your boots for good! I'm not surprised, you've earned the right to take a well-deserved nap after all those years of being a legend on the pitch. I'm going to miss our battles on the field, but I'm also excited to see what you'll be up to next. Maybe you can teach me how to take a decent penalty? Just kidding, I'll stick to my usual 'I'm going to score from 30 yards out' approach. Anyway, congrats on an amazing career, mate! You'll always be a Chelsea legend in my book."

Please note that this is purely fictional and not an actual message from Diego Costa to John Terry.