Did nigerian daily trust news paper carries more international news

The Nigerian Daily Trust is a Nigerian newspaper that covers local and international news. While it does carry international news, the extent to which it covers international news may vary depending on several factors.

Here are a few observations:

  1. Focus on local news: The Nigerian Daily Trust is primarily a Nigerian newspaper, and as such, it tends to focus more on local news, politics, and issues affecting Nigeria and the West African region.
  2. International news coverage: While the newspaper does carry international news, its coverage is not as extensive as some other international newspapers. The Daily Trust tends to focus on international news that has a direct impact on Nigeria or the African continent, such as global economic trends, international politics, and humanitarian crises.
  3. Regional focus: The newspaper has a strong focus on regional news, particularly in West Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. This is because Nigeria has significant economic and cultural ties with these regions.
  4. Limited space for international news: The Daily Trust is a daily newspaper with limited space, so it prioritizes local news and issues over international news. This means that international news stories may not receive as much coverage as local news stories.
  5. Online presence: The Daily Trust has an online presence, which allows it to carry more international news stories than its print edition. The online edition often carries more in-depth coverage of international news, including analysis and opinion pieces.

To give you a better idea, here are some examples of international news stories that the Nigerian Daily Trust has carried in the past:

In summary, while the Nigerian Daily Trust does carry international news, its coverage is not as extensive as some other international newspapers. The newspaper tends to focus on local news and issues, with a regional focus on West Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.