Dickson tells appointees prepare handover notes

It seems like you're referring to a news article or a statement made by someone named Dickson. Here's a possible summary:

"Dickson Tells Appointees to Prepare Handover Notes"

According to reports, Dickson, a high-ranking official or leader, has instructed his appointees to prepare comprehensive handover notes as a part of the transition process. This move is likely aimed at ensuring a smooth transfer of responsibilities and knowledge from one person to another.

Handover notes are essential documents that contain crucial information about the tasks, projects, and responsibilities being handed over. They help the incoming person to quickly get up to speed and make informed decisions. By preparing these notes, the appointees will be able to provide a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and the current state of their projects.

It's likely that Dickson's instruction is part of a larger effort to ensure continuity and efficiency in the organization or government agency. By having detailed handover notes, the appointees will be able to focus on their new roles without worrying about the intricacies of their previous positions.

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