Diamond platnumz new song 2016 mp3 download

Diamond Platnumz is a popular Tanzanian singer, songwriter, and record producer. He has released many hit songs over the years, and I can help you find his new song from 2016.

Here are a few options:

  1. "Kamwambie" (feat. P-Square) - This song was released in 2016 and features Nigerian duo P-Square. You can download the MP3 from various online platforms like YouTube, SoundCloud, or music streaming sites.
  2. "Mdogo Mdogo" - This song was released in 2016 and is a solo track by Diamond Platnumz. You can find the MP3 on music streaming sites or download it from online platforms like YouTube or SoundCloud.
  3. "Mwana" (feat. Rick Ross) - This song was released in 2016 and features American rapper Rick Ross. You can download the MP3 from various online platforms like YouTube, SoundCloud, or music streaming sites.

Here are some online platforms where you can download Diamond Platnumz's new song from 2016:

Remember to always download music from reputable sources and respect the intellectual property rights of the artist and record label.