Diamond new name

You want to rename the diamond! That's an exciting task! Here are some suggestions:

  1. Adiam - a combination of "a" (meaning "first" or "unique") and "diamond".
  2. Luxia - derived from "lux" (meaning "light") and "ia" (a suffix suggesting a place or territory).
  3. Kardo - a play on the word "card" (as in, a precious gem) with a strong, modern sound.
  4. Aurora - inspired by the breathtaking beauty of the aurora borealis (northern lights), evoking the diamond's radiant appearance.
  5. Nexa - a short, sleek name that suggests connection and unity, fitting for a gemstone that's often used in jewelry.
  6. Celestia - derived from "coelestis" (meaning "heavenly" or "celestial"), conveying the diamond's otherworldly beauty.
  7. Glint - a playful name that captures the diamond's sparkling, shining quality.
  8. Vitalis - a name that means "of life" or "vital," reflecting the diamond's enduring, timeless nature.
  9. Lumin - a short, modern name that emphasizes the diamond's radiant, luminous properties.
  10. Elysia - inspired by the Elysian Fields of Greek mythology, a paradise for heroes, suggesting the diamond's eternal beauty.

Which one do you like the most?