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"Lady Is a Tramp" is a popular song by Lady Gaga, featuring R. Kelly, from her album "Born This Way". The song is a cover of the classic 1956 song by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong.

Here's how you can get the free MP3 download:

  1. Streaming: You can listen to the song on various music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music. Just search for "Lady Is a Tramp" by Lady Gaga, and you'll find it!
  2. Free MP3 Download: You can also find free MP3 downloads of the song on various websites like MP3Juices, ZippyShare, or 4Shared. Just be sure to check the website's terms and conditions before downloading.
  3. Purchase: If you prefer to own the song, you can purchase it from online music stores like iTunes or Google Play Music.

Remember to always download from reputable sources and respect the artists' work by not sharing copyrighted content without permission.

Would you like to know more about Lady Gaga or her music?