Devexpress xaf disable new

In DevExpress XAF, you can disable the "New" button in the application's navigation menu or in a specific module by using the following approaches:

1. Disabling the "New" button globally

You can disable the "New" button globally by setting the AllowNew property of the Application class to false. This will disable the "New" button for all modules and navigation items.

Here's an example:

using DevExpress.Xaf;
using DevExpress.Xaf.Modules;

public class MyApplication : Application {
    public MyApplication() {
        AllowNew = false;

2. Disabling the "New" button for a specific module

You can disable the "New" button for a specific module by setting the AllowNew property of the Module class to false.

Here's an example:

using DevExpress.Xaf;
using DevExpress.Xaf.Modules;

public class MyModule : ModuleBase {
    public MyModule() {
        AllowNew = false;

3. Disabling the "New" button for a specific navigation item

You can disable the "New" button for a specific navigation item by setting the AllowNew property of the NavigationItem class to false.

Here's an example:

using DevExpress.Xaf;
using DevExpress.Xaf.Modules;

public class MyNavigationItem : NavigationItem {
    public MyNavigationItem() {
        AllowNew = false;

4. Disabling the "New" button programmatically

You can also disable the "New" button programmatically by handling the NavigationItemCreated event of the Application class.

Here's an example:

using DevExpress.Xaf;
using DevExpress.Xaf.Modules;

public class MyApplication : Application {
    public MyApplication() {
        NavigationItemCreated += OnNavigationItemCreated;

    private void OnNavigationItemCreated(object sender, NavigationItemCreatedEventArgs e) {
        if (e.NavigationItem is MyNavigationItem) {
            e.NavigationItem.AllowNew = false;

Note that these approaches will disable the "New" button for all users, including administrators. If you want to disable the "New" button only for non-administrators, you'll need to implement additional logic to check the user's role or permissions.