Devex news

Devex is a leading news and information platform that covers global development, humanitarian aid, and international affairs. Here are some key features and topics that Devex covers:

News: Devex provides up-to-date news and analysis on global development, humanitarian crises, and international affairs. Their news coverage includes stories on topics such as:

Analysis and Opinion: Devex features in-depth analysis and opinion pieces from experts and thought leaders in the global development community. These articles provide insights and perspectives on key issues and trends shaping the sector.

Data and Research: Devex provides access to data and research on global development topics, including:

Jobs and Careers: Devex offers a job board and career resources for professionals in the global development sector. They also provide information on career development, professional networking, and industry trends.

Events and Conferences: Devex hosts and partners with events and conferences on global development topics, including the annual Devex World conference.

Community: Devex has a large and active community of professionals, organizations, and individuals working in global development. They offer online forums, discussion groups, and networking opportunities for members to connect and share knowledge.

Some popular topics and issues covered by Devex include:

Overall, Devex is a valuable resource for anyone working in or interested in global development, humanitarian aid, and international affairs.