Devex health news

Devex is a leading global development and health news organization that provides news, analysis, and insights on global health issues, development, and humanitarian crises. Here are some recent health news articles from Devex:

  1. WHO warns of 'alarming' rise in COVID-19 cases worldwide: The World Health Organization has reported a significant increase in COVID-19 cases globally, with over 4 million new cases reported in the past week. (Source: Devex, March 2023)
  2. Global vaccine equity remains a major challenge, experts say: Despite progress in vaccine distribution, global vaccine equity remains a significant challenge, with many low- and middle-income countries struggling to access vaccines. (Source: Devex, February 2023)
  3. WHO launches new initiative to combat antimicrobial resistance: The World Health Organization has launched a new initiative to combat antimicrobial resistance, which is a major global health threat. (Source: Devex, January 2023)
  4. Global health funding falls short of targets, report finds: A new report has found that global health funding has fallen short of targets, with many low- and middle-income countries struggling to access essential health services. (Source: Devex, December 2022)
  5. WHO warns of 'perfect storm' of health crises in 2023: The World Health Organization has warned of a "perfect storm" of health crises in 2023, including COVID-19, antimicrobial resistance, and other global health threats. (Source: Devex, January 2023)
  6. Global health leaders call for increased investment in health systems: Global health leaders have called for increased investment in health systems, including primary care, to address the growing burden of non-communicable diseases. (Source: Devex, November 2022)
  7. WHO launches new strategy to combat tuberculosis: The World Health Organization has launched a new strategy to combat tuberculosis, which is a major global health threat. (Source: Devex, October 2022)
  8. Global health funding for mental health remains inadequate, report finds: A new report has found that global health funding for mental health remains inadequate, with many low- and middle-income countries struggling to access mental health services. (Source: Devex, September 2022)
  9. WHO warns of 'silent pandemic' of antimicrobial resistance: The World Health Organization has warned of a "silent pandemic" of antimicrobial resistance, which is a major global health threat. (Source: Devex, August 2022)
  10. Global health leaders call for increased investment in health workforce: Global health leaders have called for increased investment in the health workforce, including nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals. (Source: Devex, July 2022)

These are just a few examples of the many health news articles published by Devex. The organization provides in-depth coverage of global health issues, development, and humanitarian crises, and is a valuable resource for anyone interested in global health news and analysis.