Deutsche news english

Here are some popular German news sources with English translations:

  1. Deutsche Welle (DW): DW is a German public broadcaster that provides news in multiple languages, including English. Their website features news articles, videos, and podcasts on various topics.
  2. Spiegel Online International: Spiegel Online is a German news website that offers English translations of their articles. They cover a wide range of topics, including politics, business, and culture.
  3. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ): FAZ is a German daily newspaper that publishes English translations of their articles on their website. They focus on politics, economics, and culture.
  4. Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ): SZ is a German daily newspaper that offers English translations of their articles on their website. They cover a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, and sports.
  5. Handelsblatt Global: Handelsblatt is a German business newspaper that publishes English translations of their articles on their website. They focus on business, economics, and finance.
  6. Die Zeit: Die Zeit is a German weekly newspaper that offers English translations of their articles on their website. They cover a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, and society.
  7. Tagesspiegel: Tagesspiegel is a German daily newspaper that publishes English translations of their articles on their website. They focus on politics, culture, and society.
  8. Bild: Bild is a German tabloid newspaper that offers English translations of their articles on their website. They focus on celebrity news, sports, and entertainment.

These sources provide a good overview of the current events and news in Germany, and many of them offer English translations of their articles.