Deutronomy 33 in good news bible

Here is Deuteronomy 33 in the Good News Bible (GNB):

Moses' Blessing on the Tribes

33 This is the blessing that Moses, the man of God, gave to the Israelites before he died. He called all the leaders of the tribes together and said:

34 "The Lord came from Sinai and shone brightly from Seir. He appeared from Mount Paran and came from the holy hills. He loves the people and lives among them.

35 "He took care of them, as a shepherd takes care of his flock. He carried them safely through the desert, where the ground was hot and dry.

36 "He watched over them with his eye, like an eagle watching over its nest. He spread his wings and took them under his care.

37 "When the people of Israel were tired and weak, he carried them safely to his holy land.

38 "He chose the tribe of Levi to serve him and to make offerings to him. They will wear his sacred clothes and will be close to him.

39 "This is the blessing that Moses gave to the tribe of Levi:

40 "O Lord, you gave them your sacred teaching and put them in charge of your altar. They will wear your sacred clothes and will be close to you.

41 "They will call on you when they are in trouble, and you will answer them. You will give them your help and your blessing.

42 "This is the blessing that Moses gave to the tribe of Benjamin:

43 "O Lord, you are the one who helped the people of Benjamin. You are their rock and their shield.

44 "You helped them when they were in trouble and gave them your salvation.

45 "This is the blessing that Moses gave to the tribe of Joseph:

46 "O Lord, you gave Joseph a special place among his brothers. You gave him a special blessing and made him the leader of the tribes.

47 "He was like a firstborn bull, with horns that could gore. His horns will gore the nations, and all the people will be blessed.

48 "This is the blessing that Moses gave to the tribe of Zebulun:

49 "O Lord, you gave Zebulun a place on the seashore, where the ships sail. You will give them a special blessing and make them rich.

50 "They will take their share of the spoils and bring back their wealth to the people of Israel.

51 "This is the blessing that Moses gave to the tribe of Issachar:

52 "O Lord, you gave Issachar a special understanding of the times. You will give them a special blessing and make them wise.

53 "They will be like strong horses, ready to run. They will be like mighty men, ready to fight.

54 "This is the blessing that Moses gave to the tribe of Gad:

55 "O Lord, you gave Gad a special place in the land. You will give them a special blessing and make them strong.

56 "They will be like a lion, ready to pounce. They will be like a young lion, ready to play.

57 "This is the blessing that Moses gave to the tribe of Dan:

58 "O Lord, you gave Dan a special place among the tribes. You will give them a special blessing and make them strong.

59 "They will be like a lion, ready to pounce. They will be like a young lion, ready to play.

60 "These are the blessings that Moses gave to the tribes of Israel before he died.

61 "He called all the leaders of the tribes together and said:

62 "This is the blessing that Moses, the man of God, gave to the Israelites before he died. He called all the leaders of the tribes together and said:

63 "May the Lord bless you and keep you safe. May the Lord make his face shine on you and give you his blessing. May the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace."

64 "So the Israelites went to the other side of the Jordan River, and they took possession of the land that the Lord had given them. They took possession of the land and lived there for many years.