Detroit michigan to new york

A classic road trip!

The driving distance from Detroit, Michigan to New York City is approximately 770 miles (1,240 km), and the journey typically takes around 11-12 hours with normal traffic conditions. Here's a breakdown of the route:

Day 1: Detroit, MI to Cleveland, OH (approx. 200 miles, 3 hours)

Day 1: Cleveland, OH to Erie, PA (approx. 100 miles, 2 hours)

Day 2: Erie, PA to New York City, NY (approx. 370 miles, 6 hours)

Some popular attractions and landmarks along the way:

Keep in mind that traffic, road conditions, and weather can affect the duration of your trip. Be sure to check for any road closures or construction before embarking on your journey. Additionally, consider booking accommodations in advance, especially during peak travel seasons.