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Here are some of the top stories from

Breaking News

  1. Korban Bencana Gempa di Lombok Meningkat (Lombok Earthquake Victims Increase) - The number of people affected by the recent earthquake in Lombok has increased to over 1,000.
  2. Pemerintah Siapkan Bantuan untuk Korban Gempa (Government Prepares Aid for Earthquake Victims) - The Indonesian government has prepared aid packages for those affected by the earthquake.
  3. Kasus Korupsi di Kementerian Pertahanan Terungkap (Corruption Case in Defense Ministry Uncovered) - A corruption case involving high-ranking officials in the Indonesian Defense Ministry has been uncovered.

National News

  1. Presiden Jokowi: Indonesia Harus Kuatkan Ekonomi (President Jokowi: Indonesia Must Strengthen Economy) - President Joko Widodo has emphasized the need for Indonesia to strengthen its economy to achieve sustainable growth.
  2. Pemerintah Siapkan Rencana Pembangunan untuk 2020-2024 (Government Prepares Development Plan for 2020-2024) - The Indonesian government has prepared a development plan for the 2020-2024 period, focusing on infrastructure development and economic growth.
  3. Kasus Pembunuhan di Jakarta Terungkap (Murder Case in Jakarta Uncovered) - A murder case in Jakarta has been uncovered, with the suspect arrested and charged with the crime.

International News

  1. Trump dan Kim Jong-un Bertemu di Singapura (Trump and Kim Jong-un Meet in Singapore) - US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un have met in Singapore to discuss denuclearization.
  2. Krisis Politik di Venezuela Terus Meningkat (Political Crisis in Venezuela Continues to Escalate) - The political crisis in Venezuela continues to escalate, with the opposition calling for the resignation of President Nicolás Maduro.
  3. Kasus Pembunuhan di Paris Terungkap (Murder Case in Paris Uncovered) - A murder case in Paris has been uncovered, with the suspect arrested and charged with the crime.

These are just some of the latest news stories from Stay tuned for more updates!