Dethroned sanusi wont have access to visitors gandujes aide

It seems like you're referring to the recent development involving the dethronement of Sanusi Lamido Sanusi as the Emir of Kano and the subsequent restrictions placed on him.

According to reports, Ganduje's aide, who is likely referring to the Governor of Kano State, Abdullahi Ganduje, has stated that the dethroned Emir, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, will not have access to visitors while he is in custody.

This decision is likely aimed at preventing any potential unrest or disruptions that may arise from visitors attempting to meet with the former Emir. It's also possible that the authorities want to ensure that Sanusi is not able to communicate with anyone who may be able to influence his actions or decisions while he is in custody.

It's worth noting that the dethronement of Sanusi has sparked widespread controversy and debate, with many people expressing concerns about the legitimacy of the decision and the treatment of the former Emir.