Dethroned sanusi will be under house arrest without access to visitors gov gandujes media aide

It appears that there is a news report about the deposed Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II, being placed under house arrest without access to visitors.

According to the report, the Governor of Kano State, Abdullahi Ganduje, has ordered that the deposed Emir be placed under house arrest, with no access to visitors. This means that Sanusi will be confined to his residence and will not be able to receive visitors or engage in any outside activities.

It's worth noting that Sanusi was deposed as Emir of Kano by the Kano State Government on March 9, 2020, following a crisis that arose from his alleged involvement in politics and his criticism of the government. Since then, there have been reports of tensions between Sanusi and the government, and this latest development may be seen as a further attempt to restrict his movements and activities.

It will be interesting to see how this situation develops and what implications it may have for Sanusi and the people of Kano State.