Designing a new simple handshake logo design

A new handshake logo design! Let's get creative!

To design a simple yet effective handshake logo, I'll need to consider a few things:

  1. Purpose: What is the logo for? Is it for a company, organization, or personal brand?
  2. Target audience: Who is the logo for? Is it for a specific industry, age group, or demographic?
  3. Key values: What values do you want the logo to convey? (e.g., trust, friendship, professionalism)

Assuming a simple and modern design, here's a concept:

Logo Design:

The logo features a stylized handshake with a subtle twist. The handshake is formed by two curved lines that meet at the center, creating a sense of unity and connection. The twist comes from the fact that the lines are not perfectly symmetrical, giving the logo a sense of movement and dynamism.

Color Scheme:

To keep the design simple and versatile, I recommend a two-color scheme:

  1. Main color: A bright, friendly blue (#03A9F4) that conveys trust, reliability, and approachability.
  2. Secondary color: A neutral white (#FFFFFF) that adds contrast and helps the logo stand out.


To complement the handshake design, I suggest a clean, sans-serif font (e.g., Open Sans or Montserrat) with a bold weight. This will provide a strong visual anchor and help the logo read well in various contexts.

Logo Variations:

To ensure the logo is versatile, I recommend creating a few variations:

  1. Icon-only: The handshake design without the text.
  2. Text-only: The logo text without the handshake icon.
  3. Icon-text combination: The handshake icon with the logo text.

Logo Usage:

To maintain consistency and ensure the logo is used correctly, consider the following guidelines:

  1. Minimum size: The logo should be at least 1 inch (2.54 cm) tall to ensure it's legible.
  2. Color: Use the main blue color (#03A9F4) as the primary color, with the secondary white color (#FFFFFF) used as a highlight or accent.
  3. Clear space: Maintain a clear space around the logo to prevent it from being crowded or distorted.

Logo Evolution:

As the logo evolves, consider adding subtle variations or refinements to keep it fresh and modern. This could include:

  1. Gradients: Adding a gradient effect to the handshake lines to give the logo a sense of depth.
  2. Shadows: Adding a subtle shadow to the handshake lines to create a sense of dimensionality.
  3. Patterns: Incorporating a pattern or texture to the handshake lines to add visual interest.

What do you think? Is this a good starting point for your new handshake logo design?