Design and implementation of news management system pdf

Here is a comprehensive design and implementation plan for a News Management System (NMS) in PDF format:

News Management System (NMS) Design and Implementation Plan


The News Management System (NMS) is a web-based application designed to manage news articles, categorize them, and provide a user-friendly interface for users to access and share news. The system will be developed using a combination of technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a backend database.

System Requirements

  1. User Management: The system will have a user management module that allows administrators to create, edit, and delete user accounts.
  2. News Article Management: The system will have a news article management module that allows administrators to create, edit, and delete news articles.
  3. Categorization: The system will have a categorization module that allows administrators to categorize news articles into different categories.
  4. Search Functionality: The system will have a search functionality that allows users to search for news articles by keyword, category, or date.
  5. User Interface: The system will have a user-friendly interface that allows users to access and share news articles.
  6. Security: The system will have a secure login system that ensures only authorized users can access the system.

System Design

Database Design

The system will use a relational database management system (RDBMS) such as MySQL to store news articles, user information, and categorization data.

Database Tables

  1. users: stores user information including username, password, and email address.
  2. news_articles: stores news article information including title, content, and date published.
  3. categories: stores categorization information including category name and description.
  4. article_categories: stores the relationship between news articles and categories.

System Architecture

The system will be developed using a three-tier architecture:

  1. Presentation Layer: will be responsible for handling user input and displaying output to the user.
  2. Application Layer: will be responsible for processing user requests and interacting with the database.
  3. Data Access Layer: will be responsible for interacting with the database and retrieving data.

Implementation Plan

Phase 1: Database Design and Development

  1. Design the database schema using Entity-Relationship diagrams.
  2. Create the database tables using SQL.
  3. Populate the database with sample data.

Phase 2: Frontend Development

  1. Design the user interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  2. Implement the search functionality using JavaScript and AJAX.
  3. Implement the user interface for creating, editing, and deleting news articles.

Phase 3: Backend Development

  1. Implement the user management module using PHP and MySQL.
  2. Implement the news article management module using PHP and MySQL.
  3. Implement the categorization module using PHP and MySQL.

Phase 4: Testing and Deployment

  1. Test the system for functionality and usability.
  2. Deploy the system to a production environment.

System Requirements Document

Functional Requirements

  1. The system must allow administrators to create, edit, and delete user accounts.
  2. The system must allow administrators to create, edit, and delete news articles.
  3. The system must allow administrators to categorize news articles into different categories.
  4. The system must have a search functionality that allows users to search for news articles by keyword, category, or date.
  5. The system must have a user-friendly interface that allows users to access and share news articles.

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. The system must be secure and ensure only authorized users can access the system.
  2. The system must be scalable and able to handle a large number of users.
  3. The system must be reliable and available 24/7.

Technical Requirements

  1. The system must be developed using a combination of technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
  2. The system must use a relational database management system (RDBMS) such as MySQL.
  3. The system must have a secure login system that ensures only authorized users can access the system.


Phase 1: Database Design and Development - 2 weeks Phase 2: Frontend Development - 4 weeks Phase 3: Backend Development - 6 weeks Phase 4: Testing and Deployment - 2 weeks

Total Project Duration - 14 weeks


The estimated budget for this project is $10,000.


The News Management System (NMS) is a comprehensive system that allows administrators to manage news articles, categorize them, and provide a user-friendly interface for users to access and share news. The system will be developed using a combination of technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, and will be deployed to a production environment after testing and deployment.