Design a new programming language

What a fascinating task! Here's a design for a new programming language, which we'll call "Lumina". Lumina is a statically typed, object-oriented language that aims to provide a balance between ease of use, performance, and expressiveness.


Lumina's syntax is designed to be concise and readable. It uses a combination of keywords, symbols, and indentation to define the structure of the code.

Type System

Lumina has a statically typed type system, which means that the type of each variable is known at compile time. The language supports the following types:

Object-Oriented Programming

Lumina supports object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts, including:

Control Flow

Lumina supports the following control flow statements:


Lumina supports functions, which are blocks of code that can be executed multiple times from different parts of the program. Functions can take arguments and return values.

Error Handling

Lumina has a built-in error handling mechanism that allows developers to catch and handle errors at runtime. The language supports two types of errors:

Example Code

Here's an example of a simple "Hello, World!" program in Lumina:

class HelloWorld {
  func main() {
    print("Hello, World!")


This code defines a HelloWorld class with a main function that prints the string "Hello, World!" to the console.


Lumina is a statically typed, object-oriented programming language that aims to provide a balance between ease of use, performance, and expressiveness. Its syntax is designed to be concise and readable, and its type system is designed to be flexible and powerful. With its support for object-oriented programming, control flow statements, and error handling, Lumina is well-suited for a wide range of applications, from small scripts to large-scale enterprise software.