Descriptive essay on new yam festival in igboland pdf

Here is a descriptive essay on the New Yam Festival in IgboLand:

Title: The Vibrant New Yam Festival in IgboLand


In the heart of IgboLand, a rich cultural heritage is celebrated with great pomp and pageantry. The New Yam Festival, also known as "Iri Ji" in Igbo language, is a significant event that marks the beginning of a new yam harvest season. This festival is a testament to the resilience and creativity of the Igbo people, who have preserved their traditions and customs for generations. In this essay, we will delve into the vibrant atmosphere of the New Yam Festival, highlighting its significance, rituals, and cultural practices.

The Significance of the Festival:

The New Yam Festival is a celebration of the yam harvest, which is the main staple food in IgboLand. The festival is a time to give thanks to the gods for a bountiful harvest, and to honor the ancestors who have passed down the tradition of yam cultivation. The festival is also a time for social bonding, as families and friends come together to share in the joy and festivities.

Preparations for the Festival:

Preparations for the festival begin weeks in advance. The yam farmers work tirelessly to harvest the ripe yams, which are then stored in large quantities. The festival grounds are cleaned and decorated with colorful fabrics, beads, and other ornaments. Traditional musicians and dancers are hired to entertain the crowd, while local chefs prepare a variety of dishes, including yam-based delicacies.

Rituals and Cultural Practices:

The festival begins with a grand procession, led by the traditional ruler, to the festival grounds. The procession is accompanied by the sound of drums, trumpets, and other traditional instruments. The highlight of the festival is the presentation of the new yams to the gods, which is done through a series of rituals and ceremonies. The yams are offered to the gods as a symbol of gratitude for the blessings of the harvest.

Food and Drink:

Food and drink play a significant role in the festival. Traditional dishes such as yam porridge, yam fufu, and yam pie are served in abundance. Local beers and palm wine are also available, adding to the festive atmosphere. The aroma of roasting yams and other delicacies wafts through the air, enticing the senses and building anticipation for the feast to come.

Music and Dance:

Music and dance are an integral part of the festival. Traditional musicians and dancers perform with great energy and enthusiasm, entertaining the crowd with their lively rhythms and intricate steps. The music and dance are a reflection of the rich cultural heritage of the Igbo people, and are an essential part of the festival's appeal.


The New Yam Festival in IgboLand is a vibrant celebration of culture, tradition, and community. The festival is a testament to the resilience and creativity of the Igbo people, who have preserved their customs and traditions for generations. The festival is a time for social bonding, cultural expression, and gratitude for the blessings of the harvest. As the Igbo people say, "Iri Ji" is a time to "come together and celebrate the harvest of life."


Note: This essay is a descriptive piece and is not intended to be a scholarly or academic work. It is meant to provide a general overview of the New Yam Festival in IgboLand and its significance.