Deposed emir sanusi heads to court lawyer

You're referring to the recent development involving the deposed Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II.

As you may know, Emir Sanusi II was deposed by the Kano State Government on March 9, 2020, and replaced with a new emir, Aminu Ado Bayero. The deposition was met with widespread controversy and criticism, with many Nigerians expressing concerns about the legality and propriety of the move.

In response to his deposition, Emir Sanusi II has reportedly instructed his lawyers to challenge the decision in court. According to reports, his lawyers have filed a suit at the Kano State High Court, seeking to nullify his deposition and restore him to his position as Emir of Kano.

The suit is said to be based on several grounds, including alleged violations of Emir Sanusi II's fundamental human rights, as well as the lack of due process and transparency in the decision-making process leading to his deposition.

It's worth noting that the Kano State Government has defended its decision to depose Emir Sanusi II, citing alleged misconduct and disrespect for traditional norms and values. However, many Nigerians remain skeptical about the government's motives and have called for Emir Sanusi II's reinstatement.

The court case is expected to be a closely watched and highly controversial affair, with significant implications for the future of the Kano Emirate and the broader political landscape in Nigeria.