Deportation iran condemns inhuman treatment of nationals by us

Here is a possible draft statement:

Iran Condemns Inhuman Treatment of Nationals by US

The Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemns the inhuman treatment of its nationals by the United States government. The recent reports of mistreatment, abuse, and deportation of Iranian citizens by US authorities are deeply disturbing and unacceptable.

Iran is deeply concerned about the well-being and safety of its citizens who are being detained and deported by the US. The reports of physical and emotional abuse, as well as the lack of due process and fair treatment, are a clear violation of international human rights standards and the principles of dignity and respect for all human beings.

The Iranian government demands that the US authorities immediately cease and desist from such inhumane treatment of Iranian nationals and ensure their safe and dignified return to their homeland. We also urge the US government to provide a clear explanation for the reasons behind these actions and to take concrete steps to prevent such incidents in the future.

Iran will continue to monitor the situation closely and take all necessary measures to protect the rights and interests of its citizens. We will also engage with international organizations and other countries to ensure that the rights of Iranian nationals are respected and protected.

We call on the international community to condemn these actions and to support the Iranian government's efforts to protect the rights and dignity of its citizens.

End of Statement

Please note that this is just a draft and may need to be modified to fit the specific context and tone you are looking for.