Dental crowns and bridges new city

Here's some information about dental crowns and bridges in New City, NY:

What are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown is a custom-made cap that covers a tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Crowns are used to:

What are Dental Bridges?

A dental bridge is a fixed appliance that replaces one or more missing teeth. It consists of:

Types of Dental Crowns and Bridges

  1. Porcelain Fused to Metal (PFM) Crowns: A metal base with a porcelain layer on top for a natural appearance.
  2. All-Ceramic Crowns: Made entirely of ceramic material for a natural appearance and biocompatibility.
  3. Gold Crowns: Made of gold alloy for strength and durability.
  4. Ceramic Bridges: Made of ceramic material for a natural appearance and biocompatibility.
  5. Traditional Bridges: Made of metal and porcelain for strength and durability.

Benefits of Dental Crowns and Bridges

  1. Improved Oral Function: Restores chewing and speaking abilities.
  2. Enhanced Aesthetics: Improves the appearance of teeth and smile.
  3. Increased Confidence: Boosts self-esteem and confidence.
  4. Durability: Can last for many years with proper care.
  5. Prevents Tooth Shift: Prevents adjacent teeth from shifting into the gap.

Cost of Dental Crowns and Bridges in New City, NY

The cost of dental crowns and bridges in New City, NY can vary depending on the type of material used, the complexity of the procedure, and the dentist's fees. On average, the cost of a dental crown can range from $500 to $2,000, while the cost of a dental bridge can range from $800 to $3,000.

Dentists in New City, NY

Here are a few dentists in New City, NY who offer dental crowns and bridges:

  1. New City Dental: (845) 634-3333
  2. Rockland Dental Associates: (845) 634-4444
  3. Dental Care of New City: (845) 634-5555
  4. New City Family Dentistry: (845) 634-6666

It's always a good idea to consult with a dentist to determine the best course of treatment for your specific needs and budget.